How can I fix OBDII and BMS Issues on my 2015 Smart ED?

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I bought a bricked 2015 Smart ED and got all the cells charged, but my OBDII reader won’t read the engine codes. It recognizes the car, but keeps giving a DTC read error. My other car works fine with the same reader, and I also tried a Scanguage that won’t connect at all. I suspect the BMS needs reprogramming and am looking for recommendations for help, particularly in the US. I have an Arduino with CAN-Bus that reads battery data but shows “MALFUNCTION” when charging, likely due to a fault. Any suggestions for diagnosing the BMS or DTCs?
Have you tried specialized Smart ED tools or consulted a service that can reprogram the BMS? It is looking like a BMS fault might be blocking DTC read
That is a smart idea. I haven’t tried specialized Smart ED tools yet, but I’m considering it. I’ll also look into services that can reprogram the BMS to see if that resolves the issue.
I haven’t solved it yet, but I’m still troubleshooting. I’m focusing on the BMS reprogramming and finding the right diagnostic tools.